Torsten Sundmacher
Torsten Sundmacher is a founding company member and partner of SUSTAIN CONSULT. His occupational activity is primarily concerned with the fields of Environmental Economics, Health Economics and Industrial Politics as well as Strategic Development, Industrial Location and Regional Industrial Cluster Management. In addition to the above-mentioned fields, Torsten Sundmacher commands further expertise in the fields of Energy Industry, Mechanical Engineering and Health Industry. Upon conclusion of his studies of Management, Economics and Social Sciences in 1996, Torsten Sundmacher received a scholarship from the German Research Council (DFG) and worked as a Scientific Associate at the University of Hannover, Germany. In 1999, he joined a consulting company for two years. In 2001, Sundmacher received his PhD. Since 2001, he has held the position of Academic Assistant at the University of Duisburg as well as being an active partner of SUSTAIN CONSULT.
Consulting Projects
E-Mail: sundmacher[at]
Mob.: +49 (0) 171 - 74 52 787
Selectively Chosen Projects:
- Sustainable Development of the Dyckerhoff Cement GmbH Assessment of Sustainable Investment and Regional Employment Perspectives; hereby with special attention paid to scenario-based Investment Calculations of Single Projects and the Compilation of an Investment Schedule
Contracting Body: Dyckerhoff AG (Wiesbaden) - Promotion of the Energy Industry as an Area of Competence in the Ruhr Area: Analysis of Development Potential and Drafting of both Promotional Strategies and Measures for the Energy Industry and Energy Technology Areas of Competence in the Ruhr Area
Contracting Body: Ministry for Economy and Medium-sized Business, Energy and Transport of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWMEV NRW), sub-commissioned by Roland Berger & Partner GmbH Strategy Consultants - Power Plant Technology in the Ruhr Area: Assessment of Promotional Projects, Accompaniment of Corporations Throughout the Development Process of Promotional Projects, Analyses and Development Prognosis of the Ruhr Area Position for Power Plant Construction, Concept Development for Cluster Management
Contracting Body: Projekt Ruhr GmbH (Essen) - The Future of the Coal Belt Industry: Analysis of the Market Situation and Perspectives on the Energy Markets, Drafting of Industrial Political Strategies
Contracting Body: EU-Commission, General Executive XVII and the Ministry of Economy, Transport and Traffic North Rhine-Westphalia (MWMTV NRW) - Life Cycle Assessment of Products and Procedures: The Identification of Alternatives, the Realization of Life Cycle Assessment in Accordance to ISO 14040 et sqq., Consultation During the Course of Modification Imple- mentation
Contracting Body: Continental AG (Hannover) and Sartorius AG (Göttingen) - Economic and Ecological Assessment of New Procedures for the Extraction of Amino Acids: Investment and Cost Auditing of Alternative Procedures, Life Cycle Assessment of these Procedures, Identification of an Economic-Ecologic-Information Systems
Contracting Body: Amino GmbH (Frellstedt), German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU - Cost-Effectiveness Computations and Development Prognosis of a Large German Hard Coal Power Plant: Market Analysis of Essential Determining Factors, Carrying-out of Power Plant-Specific Costs Accounting
- Concepts of Continuation in the Case of Insolvency of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia (ProFI): Market Analysis, Development of Business Plans, Accompaniment of MBOs and Employee Initiatives, Coaching of Key Players
Gefördert von: The Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport and Traffic North-Rhine Westphalia (MWMTV NRW) and the Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs, Qualification and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (MASQT NRW) - Labor Time Situation in Mechanical Engineering Branches: Analyses of the Industrial Situation in the Branches of Large-scale Construction, Machine Construction and Electromechanics Documentation of the Labor Time Situation and Drafting of Problem-Solving Concepts
Gefördert von: Ministry for Labor, Social affairs, Qualification and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (MASQT NRW) - Branch Workshops: Branch Analyses in the Fields of Elevators and Escalators, Construction of Agricultural Machinery, Open Die Forging and Drop Forging, Workshop Organization and Moderation, Result Documentation and Project Development
Contracting Body: The German Metalworkers’ Union (IG Metall) and SCI Stadt und Region GmbH
Selectively Chosen Publications
Sundmacher, T.: Contracts in the Health System. An inventory review and design proposal from a transformational-economic perspective [In German: Verträge im Gesundheitssystem. Bestandsaufnahme und Ausgestaltungsvorschläge aus transformationsöko- nomischer Sicht], discussion paper of the Faculty for Economic Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg 2003
Sundmacher, T. / Sundmacher, J.: Competition in the Health Care System. The implementation of freedom of contract in specified areas [In German: Wettbewerb im Gesundheitssystem. Zur Implementierung von Vertragsfreiheit in ausgewählten Bereichen]. in: Budzinski, O. / Jasper, J. (eds.): Competition, Economic Order and Environment. Festschrift for Udo Müller. Frankfurt am Main, 2003
Jasper, J. / Sundmacher, T.: Cooperation and Integration within the Health Care Sector. The Perspective of Co-operational Research [In German: Kooperation und Integration im Gesundheitswesen. Die Sicht der Kooperationsforschung]. Published in: The Ministry for Health, Social Welfare, Women and Families of NRW: Contribution to the 11th State Health Conference of North Rhine-Westphalia. Düsseldorf, 2003
Sundmacher. T. / Jasper, J.: The European Union as a Driving Force for Reforms in Europe’s National Health Care Systems, Mimeo, Hannover/Duisburg, 2003
Sundmacher, T.: Ecological and Innovational Implications of Energy Markets Changes [In German: Ökologische und innovationstheoretische Implikationen des Wandels auf den Energiemärkten]. in: Jasper, J. / Sundmacher, T. (eds.): Ecological Compatibility and Technology Changes. Frankfurt am Main, 2001
Sundmacher, T.: Conceptual Fundamentals of an Integration of Coast Accounting and LCA. Possibilities for an informational Expansion of Environmental-Information Instruments for Life Cycle Assessment [In German: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen einer Integration von KLR und Ökobilanzierung. Möglichkeiten einer informationellen Erweiterung des Umweltinformations- instruments Ökobilanz]. Hannover, 2001
Calbay, Y. / Sundmacher, T.: Processes of Environmental Learning. The Role of Environmental Information Systems for Innovation. Paper presented at the Business & Economics Society International Conference. Canary Islands, Spain, 1999
Calbay, Y. / Sundmacher, T.: Technology Choice Concepts of Power Generation Technologies in the Context of the Liberalization of the Electricity Market in Germany. Paper presented at the 3rd Energy Economics Conference. St. John’s College, Oxford, England, 1999
Sundmacher, T.: Methodical and Application-based Fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment Against the Background of Its Use in SMEs [In German: Methodische und anwendungsbezogene Grundlagen der Ökobilanzierung vor dem Hintergrund ihres Einsatzes in KMU]. Hannover, 1999
Müller, U. / Sundmacher, T.: Product-LCA Serving a Comparison of Various Disposal Processes of Beverage Filters [In German: Produkt-Ökobilanzen zum Vergleich unterschiedliche Entsorgungsverfahren von Filterkerzen]. Hannover, 1998
Müller, U. / Sundmacher, T.: Product-LCA for the Disposal Process of Bicycle Tires [In German: Produkt-Ökobilanz für Entsorgungsverfahren von Fahrrad- reifen]. Hannover, 1998
Müller, U. / Sundmacher, T.: Life Cycle Assessment An Environmental Information System and Its Development Perspectives [In German: Ökobilanzen Ein Umwelt- informationssystem und seine Entwicklungsperspektiven]. in: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften (German Federal Office for Geological Sciences) (ed.), EXPO 2000 Theme Park. Concepts for the Theme Environment, Landscape, Climate. Hannover, 1997